President's Message
March 2025
Dear PaACC Members:
It’s an exciting time of year with ACC.25 in Chicago, and many chapter educational and advocacy opportunities getting started. Now is a great time to get involved!
ACC.25 Chicago
For those of you attending ACC this weekend, we hope you can join us for our annual chapter reception at ACC on March 29th from 5-630 PM at Fatpour TapWorks McCormick at 2206 South Indiana Avenue. A great opportunity for everyone to network with colleagues from throughout the state, meet chapter leadership and find out ways you can get involved, or at least get a free drink! Please stop by and say hello!
Board Certification
As many of you now know, the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has made the unfortunate decision to reject the application for a new independent Cardiovascular Board. The reasons cited were concerns about financial viability of a new board and lack of consensus support across the medical field (which is laughable). The ABMS proposed a poison pill of allowing the ABIM to maintain a second, competing cardiology board which would have made the new start-up board unable to be financially viable, and then used this as justification to reject the application. The ACC as well as the other four leading societies representing almost all of us who practice cardiovascular medicine are very disappointed in this decision and continue to explore what future alternatives exist. In the meantime, please continue to maintain your current ABIM based board certification in whatever manner you currently use while this process plays out.
CVTeam Educational Series
The MACCS CVTeam has their next virtual educational forum scheduled for April 26th from 8-10 am. This event will help you get up to speed on the top late breaking clinical trials that were presented in Chicago at ACC.25. Free to participate and claim CEU credits, just access the link here.
Multi-Modality Imaging Conference
The PaACC has a quarterly Multi-modality imaging virtual conference where imaging experts from throughout the state participate to illustrate how different imaging modalities can be used to improve patient care. The next conference is scheduled for April 9th at 6pm, please register for free here.
In Chicago I am officially ending my term as Chapter President and Western Governor. Your next Chapter President and Eastern Governor will be Dr. Marietta Ambrose from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Timothy Wong from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center will be taking over as Western Governor from me. They are going to do a fantastic job representing all of us and I look forward to where they take the chapter in the coming years.
It has been my honor to represent all of you, our patients, and all those trying to improve cardiovascular care for patients in our great state. I want to especially thank our chapter executive, Jennifer Ray Beckman, who is a total rock star and coordinates all the different areas that make our state chapter so great. I also want to thank my co-governor, Dr. Sri Adusumalli, who has helped mentor me in this position and been a role model on how to advocate for our state, thanks Sri! I strongly feel that participation in a professional organization and advocating to improve our work environment not only makes me a better cardiologist, but also is an antidote to the burnout and moral injury we all experience day to day taking care of our patients. I would encourage all of you to take time to give back either through advocacy, education, or mentoring the next generation of care givers. If there is anything I can do help any of you get involved in advocacy or the chapter, please connect here.
Ross Peterson, MD, MBA, FACC
President, Pennsylvania Chapter ACC
Governor, Western PA