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President's Message
February 2025

Dear PaACC Members:

Each year we present our State of the State to ACC to share our accomplishments. In 2024 we had some amazing successes!  Check out the below report of what we’ve done together as a team this past year.

Non-competes in PA

PHC4 has created a survey to understand the prevalence and gain insight on non-compete agreements impacting health care professionals in PA. The organization plans to use the findings to inform a broader effort; the study of the impact of Act 74, Fair Contracting for Health Care Practitioners Act on the Commonwealth.

PHC4’s survey of licensed health care professionals in Pennsylvania is intended to aid in studying the occurrence of non-compete agreementsfrom 2025 to 2027. This first survey collection period is planned for February 15, 2025, through April 15, 2025. The intended respondents are those health care practitioners that currently provide, or have provided in the past, hands-on patient care in the Commonwealth. We encourage everyone to participate in the survey to show how non-compete agreements have affected your ability to practice. The more feedback PHC4 receives from providers who are adversely affected by non-competes the better chance we have to sway future legislation. Access the survey here after February 15th.

Board Certification

I just recently received my yearly bill from ABIM to maintain my board certification. There has not yet been a final decision from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) on the approval of a true Cardiovascular Board independent from the ABIM. As a reminder, it is important that everyone continue to maintain their ABIM certification (including paying the $220 every year) and doing their MOC credits until/if the new board is approved.


CVTeam Educational Series Continues

Our CV Team has their next educational forum scheduled on February 20th on “Clinician Perspectives: Understanding Trauma-Informed Care” at 12:00 noon. Although there is no charge for this event for members, we do ask that you register for each session you are able to attend so we can send you the Zoom link 24 hours prior to the meeting. Please note: an application has been submitted for CEUs for each session and you must register for each session separately per CEU rules. Access the link here.



Our Women in Cardiology Section is co-hosting a Mid-Atlantic Retreat at Heart House in Washington, DC on February 22-23 with other state chapters in our region. This is a great opportunity to learn from and network with colleagues with a dinner experience Saturday night followed by a CME conference on Sunday. Please register here.

We continue to welcome feedback and are excited about growing and having more members get involved. Please check out our website at, follow us on X @PAChapterACC, and reach out any time via with questions, ideas, needs or if you would like to get involved in PaACC activities.


Ross Peterson, MD, MBA, FACC

President, Pennsylvania Chapter ACC

Governor, Western PA 

The Pennsylvania Chapter ACC supports the American College of Cardiology’s statement of support for the Ukrainian people; see this link for the full statement.

Date: March 12

Time: 6:00pm EDT

Additional information and registration are here 

wicmaccs logo

Agenda and registration are here

CardioNerds graphic

Click here or on the image to listen to the recording.

2024 State of the State Report


The Women in Cardiology Committee created The Postpartum Hypertension Clinic Development Toolkit to help clinicians, health care teams, and health systems develop postpartum hypertension care programs for individuals with a recent hypertensive disorder of pregnancy – chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, and postpartum hypertension.  Three other chapters and the Prevention and Reproduction & Cardio-obstetric Health Committee, members came together to identify and gather clinical resources, guideline references, successful clinic models, timelines, touching on many subjects including coding and billing, funding, and operations.  The 59-page toolkit was placed on


1. Increase Relevance as the CV Professional Home (in particular, highlight any activity/ies that advance diversity and inclusivity, health equity, and/or member wellness)


Completed our partnership with CardioNerds to deliver Narratives in Cardiology a multimedia educational series jointly developed by the PaACC Fellows in Training Section and the CardioNerds Platform to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in cardiology.  Each of the sixteen episodes was downloaded at least 10,000 times.


Build on the success of the series that was based on personal stories and delivered inspiration. 


2. Generate and Deliver Actionable Knowledge


CVTeam adjusted programming to gain attendance at virtual programming; Lunch & Learn sessions focused on CVTeam taught clinical education.


Continue to find speakers from the membership to share their clinical knowledge.


FIT leadership designed non-clinical programming to bring via virtual platforms so all FITs could access knowledge not delivered in training.             


Continue virtual programming, but also add in-person component in cities where several training programs are located.


Joined with other Mid-Atlantic Chapters to deliver education and networking program that included FIT Abstract contest, emerging faculty, and leadership positions to build experience at regional level.


Build on the success and solid reputation of the meeting.


3. Advance Quality, Equity, and Value of CV Care


Proactively built a relationship with the ACOG Pennsylvania Chapter and identified the idea that providing blood pressure cuffs to OB patients with certain risk factors would advance care.  Worked with lobbyist teams to find sponsors and got language included in Maternal Mortality Review Committee.


Work to educate lawmakers on the intersection of CV medicine and maternal care.


Thanks to the determined efforts of Pennsylvania members, SB 1281, which proposed burdensome licensure requirements for cardiovascular (CV) technologists, was defeated—a victory for patients, providers, and the comprehensive cardiovascular team.


Remain vigilant on burdensome requirements that especially effect rural areas of the state. 


4. Ensure Organizational Growth and Sustainability


Continued the relationship with the Italian Federation of Cardiology sending mid-career members to preceptorships and Italian national meeting.


Build on the personal relationships to increase programming.

Pennsylvania Chapter, American College of Cardiology
1554 Paoli Pike, Suite 298

West Chester, PA 19380

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