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Women Cardiologists

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Join other women cardiologists for a retreat that will get you thinking about what you want and how to achieve it. This program is geared towards mid to late career members who want to make meaningful connections, take the time to really think about the next years, and decide how to get there. And it's for those who want to have fun! Dinner the evening prior to the education is a StorySLAM event where we can share and laugh. The next day starts with group exercise or coffee gatherings before launching into some thoughtful and deliberately chosen topics back at Heart House.

Come with a friend or come to make some friends. No one will be sitting alone with their own thoughts for long, we’ve designed the day so in the end you will leave with connections and plenty of ideas on where you are going and why.  Agenda is here. 

Register Today!

Postpartum Hypertension toolkit cover image

Postpartum Hypertension Clinic Development Toolkit
The Postpartum Hypertension Clinic Development Toolkit was created to help clinicians, health care teams, and health systems develop postpartum hypertension care programs for individuals with a recent hypertensive disorder of pregnancy – chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, and postpartum hypertension. 

Click here to download the toolkit. 

Pennsylvania ACC Women in Cardiology Section

Our goal is to develop programming and resources that is relevant for all women in cardiology (academic, private, FITs, and seasoned professionals)

Want to get involved? Email us at

Amber Makani, MD, FACC

PaACC Women Cardiologists Member Section Co-Chair

Pennsylvania Chapter, American College of Cardiology

1554 Paoli Pike, Suite 298

West Chester, PA 19380

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