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Live & Local

If you have a virtual meeting which you would like to have highlighted on this page, please email the following information to

  • Name, title, degrees, designation(s), place of practice, of PaACC Member on planning committee
  • Official Title of the Meeting 
  • Start and end dates of the meeting
  • Website of the meeting (this should be the main meeting page – not the home page of an organization)
  • CME, CNE, and/or PNE provider

    CVTeam Educational Series

    Meets the 3rd Wednesday of January, February, April, May, September, October & November 

    PaACC wellness Research

    The PaACC is interested in promoting research that addresses physician and CVTeam wellness, diversity and inclusion. If your research is through a Pennsylvania institution and you are interested in surveying the PaACC members, send your information to for inclusion on this page.

    Survey: Provider Opinions on Depression Screening and Treatment in Cardiology

    Please consider completing this brief survey for Mary Greathouse’s DNP project at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is designed to  (1) assess the frequency and type of depression screening occurring in cardiology practice settings and (2) assess provider perceptions of the importance of and barriers to screening for depression. The 20-question survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. It is completely anonymous and voluntary. Participants will have the option to participate in a raffle to win one of two $25 Amazon gift cards. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!

    ACC's Gender & Minority Stress Survey

    Help build a more diverse and inclusive profession. Take this survey (takes <5 minutes).

    Pennsylvania Chapter, American College of Cardiology

    1554 Paoli Pike, Suite 298

    West Chester, PA 19380

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